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Can Phone Cases Be Toxic?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

Have you ever stopped to consider the potential health risks associated with your phone case? We often take for granted that the items we use every day are safe, but recent studies have revealed a startling truth: some phone cases can be toxic.

What Is The Difference Between Phone Case And Cover?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a phone case and a phone cover? It can be confusing because we often hear people use these words interchangeably. But, in fact, there are subtle differences that set them apart from each other.

How To Disinfect A Phone Case?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

We all know how important it is to keep our phones clean and safe from germs. But what about the case that protects your phone? It's just as vulnerable to bacteria, dirt and grime! In this article I'll show you exactly how to do it so you can keep yourself and others safe from...

Do Phone Cases Cause Overheating?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

In this article, we'll dive into the facts surrounding phone cases and overheating. We'll look at why some people think they may contribute to an increase in temperature, as well as explore other possible explanations such as usage habits and settings.

Do Phone Cases Ruin Your Phone?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

After spending hundreds of dollars on the latest model, you want to protect it from scratches and dings - but is adding a case going to do more harm than good? In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of using phone cases so that you can make an informed decision about whether...

Do Phone Cases Block Signal?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

Are you curious about whether or not a phone case can really block signal reception? Well, I've got good news for you - this article will answer all those questions! We'll explore how and why certain cases may interfere with signals, as well as what types of cases offer better protection. So keep reading...

Do Phones Work Better Without A Case?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

But do smartphones really work better without a case? In this article we'll be looking at both sides of the debate to help you make an informed decision about using a phone case – or not!