Phone care

How To Clean Your Phone Screen The Right Way

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

We'll go over the steps required to safely remove dust and other contaminants from your display without causing any harm. So buckle up and let's get started learning about how to give our phones the perfect shine they deserve!

How‌ ‌Does‌ Phone ‌Wireless‌ ‌Charging‌ ‌Work‌?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

We’ve all been there: your phone is running low on battery and you don’t have a charger with you. But what if I told you that it didn't have to be this way? What if I said that wireless charging could save the day? Well, in today's article, we'll explore just how phone wireless...

Is It Bad To Use Your Phone While Charging?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

But have you ever wondered if using your phone while charging is bad? In this article, I'll be discussing the potential risks associated with using a device while it's plugged in. We'll explore why some experts recommend against the practice and what precautions you can take to make sure your device stays safe.

How To Cool Down Your Phone This Summer?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

In this article, I'm going to explain how you can keep your device cool during the warmer months. With a few simple steps, you'll be able to say goodbye to overheating phones and hello to smooth running devices. So let's get started - here are my top tips on how to cool down your...

How Often Should You Get A New Phone?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

It's time to ask yourself an important question: How often should you get a new phone? These days, most of us rely on our phones for almost everything. But how often do these devices really need replacing? Let’s take a look at what experts recommend when it comes to getting a new phone.

How To Apply Your Screen Protector: A Step-By-Step Guide

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

From understanding the tools needed to preparing your phone properly before application - read on to find out everything you need to know about applying a screen protector like a professional. With my step-by-step instructions, you'll have no trouble getting it right the first time around.

How To Remove Scratches From A Phone Touch Screen?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

We’ve all been there - you pull your phone out of your pocket and see a nasty scratch right across the screen. It can be heartbreaking, especially if it's a brand new phone. But don't worry! Removing scratches from your phone touch screen isn't as hard as it looks.