Phone care

Can You Overcharge Your Phone?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

Have you ever woken up to a dead phone after fully charging it before bed? This can be a frustrating experience, mainly when you rely on your device for work or other essential tasks. In this article, we'll find out what happens when you overcharge your phone and give you some tips to protect...

How To Get Air Bubbles Out Of A Screen Protector?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

Have you ever put on a screen protector and noticed that it's full of air bubbles? It can be really frustrating! But don't worry, all those pesky air bubbles can be removed quite easily! In this article, I'll show you how to get rid of the air bubbles from a screen protector without damaging...

Do Phones Need A Screen Protector?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

Have you ever stopped to think about whether your phone needs a screen protector? It can be tempting to ignore this added extra, but it could be the key to keeping your device safe for years to come! In this article, I'll explore what exactly a screen protector is and why having one is...

How To Stop Dropping Your Phone: Helpful Tips

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

You’re walking around minding your own business, and then bam – you drop your phone. It can be an incredibly frustrating experience, especially if it ends up damaging or shattering your device. In this article, I'll provide some useful tips on how to stop dropping your phone so that you never have to experience...

How To Clean Your Phone And Case?

Kristaps Maneks 0 Comments

Keeping your phone and case clean is an important part of maintaining hygiene. Grime and dirt can build up quickly, making it harder to use the device properly. So how do you keep both your phone and its case looking pristine? This article will provide a comprehensive guide on cleaning your phone and case...