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How To Get Water Out Of Your Phone: A Helpful Guide

by Kristaps Maneks 16 Mar 2023

Hey there! Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your phone has been submerged in water? If so, you know it can be incredibly distressing and stressful. But don’t worry - I'm here to help guide you through the steps of getting that pesky water out of your phone!

In this article, I will provide helpful advice on how to get the water out quickly and efficiently. From removing the battery immediately after contact with water to drying off all parts of your phone as soon as possible, I'll break down what you need to do step by step. We'll even discuss when it's time to call for professional help or purchase a new device altogether.

At the end of this guide, you should feel confident enough to tackle any water-related mishaps with your device. So if you want to keep your beloved phone safe from liquid damage, read on for my ultimate guide on how to get water out of your phone!

Assessing The Damage

It's never a good feeling when you drop your phone in water. Your first instinct is to panic, but it's important to stay calm so that you can assess the damage and take the necessary steps to repair it. Before doing anything else, you should check for signs of water damage on your device. Look out for any discoloration or dampness around the ports or buttons; this could be an indication that there may be liquid inside your phone. You'll want to perform a thorough inspection and pay attention to detail before attempting any type of water damage repair.

Turning Off Your Phone

Now that you have assessed the damage, it's time to take action. Time is of the essence when dealing with water and your phone - so let's get started!

Here are 3 steps for turning off your phone:

  • Power Off Phone by pressing and holding the power button until the device shuts down completely
  • Deactivate Your Phone using either a long press of the side or home buttons in some models, or pulling out the battery if possible
  • Shut Down Your Phone by powering down all Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cellular data connections before finally tapping “Power Off” onscreen.

These steps may vary depending on your specific model but should be relatively easy to figure out. Taking these precautions will help prevent any further water damage from occurring while giving you a chance to dry out your phone as soon as possible. With luck, following this advice can save your beloved mobile device – and perhaps even improve its performance after drying out thoroughly!

Removing The Battery And Sim Card (If Applicable)

First, you need to remove the battery and SIM card from your phone. If it's an iPhone or other device with a non-removable battery, skip this step. Otherwise, turn off your phone before attempting to remove either item. You'll likely find instructions in the user manual for how to do this properly; if not, search online for advice specific to your model of phone.

To access the sim card slot on most phones, you should be able to use a paperclip or similar tool. Carefully remove the sim card by pushing down gently until it pops out. Then take out the battery according to any guidance provided and set both aside where they won't become wet again. Make sure you don't lose them!

Drying With A Towel Or Cloth

The damage has been done and you've got water in your phone. You don't need to panic yet though, as there are some things you can do to help get it out of the device quickly and efficiently.

Firstly, drying with a towel or cloth is an effective way of removing moisture from your wet phone. Here's how: - Make sure both the cloth or towel and the phone are dry before starting; this will prevent any further liquid getting into the device. - Gently dab at the edges of the phone where water may have entered using a dry cloth or towel until no more liquid appears on the fabric. - Pay extra attention to areas such as ports, buttons, speakers, charging points etc. which could be vulnerable to water incursion. - Use a slightly dampened cloth if necessary but never submerge your phone in water again!

This method is simple but effective when used correctly and should help remove most of the moisture that has likely entered your device - just remember not to press too hard while doing so! With one part down, let's move onto attempting to vacuum out what remains inside conclusively...

Using A Vacuum Cleaner

Using a vacuum cleaner is another method to try when getting water out of your phone. This suction method helps remove the liquid from inside the device and can be used if you don't want to disassemble it. Be sure to use only clean water for this, as other liquids may cause permanent damage to your phone.

Place the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner over the openings on the side of your phone and turn it on. Move slowly across all surfaces until no more moisture can be felt or heard coming from within. Once finished, make sure to open up every port and cover that was previously blocked with tape during the procedure. This will help prevent future corrosion or damage due to trapped air pockets. If done correctly, this should have successfully removed most of the liquid present in your device without causing further harm.

Placing In Dry Rice/Silica Gel

It's like you're trying to rescue a drowning victim from the depths of the ocean. You can't go in and pull them out, but you can do something else—throw life preservers at them. Similarly, when it comes to getting water out of your phone, placing it into dry rice or silica gel is like throwing life preservers in hopes that they will absorb all the liquid inside:

  1. Place your wet phone (or any other device) in a container filled with either uncooked rice or silica gel packets.
  2. Wait for 48 hours before taking it out so that the rice/silica gel has time to absorb as much moisture as possible.
  3. After removing the device from its drying agent, check if it still works properly by turning it on and testing each feature one-by-one until you are sure everything functions correctly again.

This technique may not be foolproof, but there’s no harm in giving this method a try! It usually takes around two days for most devices to dry up completely after being submerged in water - so make sure to have some patience while waiting for results! Plus, using this method won't cost anything since both dry rice and silica gel packets are readily available items found in everyday homes. So why not give it a shot? Who knows – maybe these life preservers will help save your beloved gadget from an untimely death due to water damage!

Using Compressed Air

I'm sure you're wondering how to get that water out of your phone using compressed air. It's actually pretty simple and can be done from the comfort of your own home! First, make sure the phone is completely powered off and there is no risk of electrocution. Then look for a can of compressed air – these are usually found at hardware or electronics stores. If you don't have one in your area, you can even buy it online.

Now hold the can upside down with the nozzle pointed directly at any holes on the outside of your device where water may have entered. Spray short bursts into these areas for about 10-15 seconds each until all visible moisture has been removed. Make sure not to use too much force when spraying as this could damage sensitive components inside your phone. That's it - by using compressed air, you've just removed any traces of water from your device!

Visiting An Electronics Repair Store

It can feel like a sinking feeling when you realize your phone has been submerged in water. You may be tempted to take matters into your own hands, but it is best to go to an electronics repair store for help. Not only are the technicians certified and experienced in fixing phones that have suffered from water damage, but they also offer specialized services at mobile phone repair shops or smartphone repair stores.

At these places, you will most likely find knowledgeable staff who specialize in all types of repairs on various devices and models. They might even provide advice on how to prevent future water-related malfunctions.

Prevention Tips

Now that you know the steps for removing water from a phone, it's important to learn how to avoid getting your device wet in the first place. Waterproofing is key when it comes to protecting phones from liquid damage. When possible, keep your phone out of any kind of body of water or other liquids and always store it in a sealed container if it’s going near a pool or beach. Additionally, consider buying phone protection cases that are designed specifically for keeping moisture away from electronics. In addition to waterproofing, try to be aware of where you leave your phone at all times so that you can prevent accidental spills or drops into a sink or toilet bowl. Taking these precautionary measures will help ensure that your device remains safe and dry even when accidents happen.


Conclusion: The last thing you want to have happen is for your phone to get water damaged. But if it does, don't panic! Instead, follow these steps on how to get water out of your phone and you can save yourself a lot of hassle. With the right combination of drying techniques, compressed air, and maybe even a stop at an electronics repair store, you'll be able to revive your wet device with minimal damage – or none at all! Taking preventative measures will help ensure that this doesn’t happen again in the future. Now that you know how incredibly helpful this guide is when it comes to getting water out of your phone, make sure you spread the word so everyone else can benefit from it too!

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